Wednesday, July 3, 2013

All the Buildings In New York by James Gulliver Hancock

I am not sure why this book has landed on our shelves, as it’s not really a children’s book, unless your definition of a children’s books is ‘a book with lots of pictures and very few words’, because that’s what this book is.

The book is by Sydney born James Gulliver Hancock, who like many Aussies has spent a great deal of his life travelling.  When he arrived in New York he says how familiar everything seemed to him, growing up with American TV shows and movies.  I particularly like this idea that “Newcomers to New York City really want to own it, to make up for all the years they’ve missed living here.”  As a way to connect with the city, he has made it his ambition to draw ‘all the buildings in New York’, and this book is, as the title suggests
 All the Buildings* in New York

*That I have drawn so far.

Each illustration is accompanied by it’s address, and in some cases there are additional pieces of information thrown in, such as the year the building was completed, who designed it or the fact that Patti Smith once worked at the Strand Book Store on  828 Broadway.  Some of the buildings are famous landmarks, like the Empire State Building, while other illustrations represent residential buildings, all beautiful and unique in their own right.
While the book may be new, the project is not, so if you would like to see more from James Gulliver Hancock, visit the blog link below.
 Have a look at this book if you:
  • love New York
  • love movies and TV shows set in New York (the book even includes the Cosby House)
  • love architecture

I love this book basically because it’s interesting and different, and while it may only appeal to a small percentage of children, it will appeal to a large number of adults. 

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